
The Causes And How To Overcome Contractions While Pregnant

The Cause Of The Occurrence Of The Contraction : Mother's womb is composed of a series of muscles that are elastic and can be enlarged along with the growth of the baby in the womb. That is why, in the event of a change of size or movement of the baby, the uterine muscles would stiffen and cause contractions. Including to encourage baby's head goes into labor at the moment of birth the roads.

pregnant, women,
While early pregnancy, uterine muscle contractions are likely to be subtle and not felt by the mother. As the pregnancy was further enlarged, contractions will be makinfeels, but is still relatively rare. The intensity of the contraction will be makin increase toward the end of pregnancy, but not all lead to dilation of the uterus as the time of birth.

How Do Symptoms Of Contraction?

Before the contractions occur, maybe Mom will feel similar to menstrual cramps or pain. Contractions that actually has a regular pattern, i.e. the longer the more often and longer. While Braxton Hicks contractions or false occasionally feels lost and sometimes indefinite time. False contractions can occur due to Maternal exhaustion. If a Mother really feeling contractions, don't panic, fix contraction by regulating the breath.

Overcoming Contraction

The Mothers get when following prenatal classes will be very beneficial when contraction occurs. The best way to solve it is indeed by utilizing the techniques of breathing.

Usually when the mother arrived at the hospital and burgeoning contraction, the doctor will provide supplemental oxygen to make Moms more comfortable. On the process of the birth of phase 2, the contractions can be addressed  with  pushing the baby out of the mother.

Contraction can also be addressed with the help of painkillers. The mother can also learn more about this in the section of live childbirth and consult directly with the obstetrician. Bebeclub expert team is also always ready to help answer questions about the mother's labor.


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